Arrived Iron Horse Motorcycle Lodge


Arrived 2:45pm. George and Chad arrived 5 minutes later. Lots of BMW GSs and KLRs. My tent is by the Stecoah Creek which runs through the lodge property.

I took highway 28 from Franklin NC to highway 74. It had a lot of tight curves along a mountainside, with cliffs on my right. It was stressfull, since my bike was loaded with luggage and I was tired from the previous day’s riding. I just wanted to rest at the lodge and get off my motorcycle.

As I approached another hairpin turn to the right, on a downward slope with cliffs blocking my view of the curve on the right, I saw a semi tractor trailer truck coming the other way from the corner! What was that idiot doing on this narrow road in the mountains? He was dragging his trailer accross my lane as he came around the corner. Luckily he saw me and slowed down or stopped. I was able to squeeze by with half my lane still open. There was no shoulder to pull over on. I could have slapped the trailer with my hand as I passed.

After that, I was more anxious than ever to get to the lodge. I found out later that highway 28 is called ‘Moonshiner 28’ and there is a website called

I got to highway 74 and turned to the right and got lost. So I turned back and finally took 28 to the west and when I saw a sign for Graham county I knew I was heading in the right direction. I passed a sign on the right for Iron Horse Lodge and turned back. I was finally on Lower Stecoah Road and arrived at the lodge.

The weather was overcast with occasional light rain. We spent the rest of the day setting up our tents and getting exploring the lodge.