Best Courier Bag

I learned something this past year from the guys at the local Honda shop about a handy and free courier bag. I was in their shop and had bought something when I realized that I had no way to take it home on my bike. They said no problem and gave me a standard helemt bag (HJC) that comes with every helmet. They demonstrated how these bags with their cords attached at two points work great for a courier bag. I have been using one ever since on both my M/C and bicycle and it works great. One of the best things is they are so compact you can stuff them in your jacket pocket or under the seat and always have a way of transporting that magazine, quart of oil, etc. when you need to. Give it a try. FYI, I think most shops have these bags lying around and are glad to give them to you or sell one at a very cheap price.

4 Replies to “Best Courier Bag”

  1. I had not made any firm plans to go to Daytona this year, but I had hoped to get to Florida to visit you and Rene. Also, I thought I would get some canoeing in at Cecil Webb and maybe visit Crooms and do some dirt bike riding (of course I have no dirt bike:( I'll see how things shape up after the holidays.

  2. I got one of those bags when I got my Shoei helmet six years ago. I always thought it was a helmet bag and that is was kind of akward. I thought it might be used to tote your helmet around, but who wants to carry a helmet over your shoulder all day? But I can see it as a courier bag. And it doesn't take up much space. I use it to cover my helmet on the shelf when I'm not riding. I'll bring it to Daytona to carry stuff when we're out about.

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